Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's Great to be Eight!!

I can't believe Lincoln is eight years old. Each year he grows up so much, and this year was no exception. This last year he has loved mountain biking, hiking on the bluff behind our house, playing baseball (a new favorite!), and he is becoming quite the swimmer. The big excitement this year was that he wanted a wave board - not the kind for a ski boat, but the kind that is a two-wheeled skateboard. He kept telling us how he was sure that he wouldn't get it. We did nothing to discourage the idea. Instead we kept telling him that he would probably get a metronome since they needed one for piano. He didn't think this was very funny.

He had a great day, and we hid his favorite present so that he wouldn't suspect anything. He is looking forward to being baptized when Grandma and Grandpa Wagner get home. His toothless grin always brings a smile to my face.


Billy and Megan said...

Hey! I found your blog through Suzanne's. Your pictures are so cute. We REALLY need to get together. I can't believe how big Tessa is. You can see what we've been up to on our blog. Nothing really exciting though! Love, ya, Meg
ps Is Lincoln really 8? I swear he was just one of my CTR 5 kids.