Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Friend or Foe

I am holding this hummingbird because it hit our window, was stunned, and Jack wanted a new play thing - hence, the rescue.  So you would think I was a friend to nature wouldn't you?  But then I went straight in and changed the laundry, and out plopped this.......

 Can you tell what it is?  I had mummified a frog in our dryer, and I think I even put it through the washer.  Yeah - disgusting.  Where did all of its gushy innards go?  I don't want to know and since I couldn't be sure which load of laundry it came from I did them all again just to be sure. 

Silly, I know, to take pictures of these things, but how often do you get to hold a hummingbird?  And for that matter, how often do you mummify a frog? 


Jessie said...

Wow - awesome! You held a hummingbird!! That's a never-in-a-lifetime cool.

As for the frog, I don't mean to be a stickler, but I don't know that mummify is the right term. I believe "broil" would be more appropriate...or perhaps "convection bake" is what I'm looking for :)

Thanks for the great posts!

Jessie said...

err...Dave wrote that last comment there....

Rebecca said...

So cool (the hummingbird, that is)! Was the frog in the lint trap? Yikes! That's quite a departure from the rocks, wood chips and candy wrappers that moms usually find in their kids' pockets.